Ola Electric is shortly going to begin rolling out additional electric vehicles with the goal of having six different electric models in its portfolio by 2027. This came after the firm’s CEO shared the future product lineup for Ola Electric. Bhavish Aggarwal used a blog post to announce that the company will add new electric bikes and cars.
Bhavish Aggarwal announces, the company will introduce a number of additional two-wheeled electric vehicles in 2023 and 2024, including a mass-market electric motorcycle, scooter, and numerous premium electric motorcycles in the categories of sports, cruisers, adventure, and road bikes. Following the introduction of the two-wheelers, they will also reveal their first sedan electric vehicle.
In 2024, Ola will introduce their first electric car, and by 2027, it will have six different products available in the EV market.
Additionally, he indicated that one bike will be a mass-market scooter and the other would be a high-end, premium segment electric motorcycle when describing some facts about the planned launch of the two-wheelers in 2023.
In addition to giving them an advantage in the software, electronics, batteries, and power train supply chains and across fundamental EV technologies, this powerful portfolio of two-wheelers will also allow them to produce top-notch, high-quality four-wheeler goods at incredibly low prices.
When they eventually electrify four-wheelers, their two-wheeler base will provide them with a significant competitive edge. They will also commission their cell manufacturing plant in 2023, which will have a 5GWh capacity by the end of the year, with an aim to install 100GWh throughout the course of this decade, according to him.
Making India a hub for electric vehicles is one of Ola’s goals and initiatives. They are dedicated to this goal and setting an example. To do this, they are willing to take any measure. Additionally, they will also be able to export from India and dominate EV mobility in all pertinent areas thanks to this substantial global edge.
Read More: Ola Electric Scooter in India
The post Bhavish Aggarwal Shared Future product Lineup for Ola Electric appeared first on E-Vehicleinfo.