Ultraviolette Automotive, a prominent player in India’s electric vehicle sector, is gearing up to unveil its latest offering on April 24th. The anticipation surrounding the launch of the F77 Mach 2 electric motorcycle has been fueled by a teaser video shared across the company’s social media platforms.
While specific details remain scarce, hints suggest that the Mach 2 could usher in a new era of technological prowess and performance, possibly surpassing its predecessor, the F77. The teaser not only provides a glimpse of the motorcycle’s design but also unveils its identity, which appears to pay homage to the aviation industry. Here’s an overview of what to expect from the Mach 2 e-bike.
Introduced in November 2022, the Ultraviolette F77 Mach 2 appears to be either a refreshed version of the F77 or a distinct upgrade to the original model. Teasers hint at Mach 2 being the “next chapter of performance,” suggesting potential enhancements to the motor’s torque and power output. Expectations include an updated TFT display user interface with added functionality and enhanced graphics.
One intriguing aspect teased is the possibility of a new riding mode that could surpass the existing “Ballistic” mode in terms of performance. Additionally, new color options are anticipated to further enhance the Mach 2’s appeal. While specifics regarding changes to the wheels, suspension, or chassis remain undisclosed, industry speculation suggests improvements to the braking system to accommodate the anticipated increase in power.
It is anticipated that the Ultraviolette F77 Mach 2 will be priced higher than the current F77, which retails for Rs 3.80 lakh (ex-showroom). Overall, the Mach 2 promises to be an exciting addition to Ultraviolette’s electric motorcycle lineup.
The standard F77 model features a 27kW motor paired with a 7.1kWh battery, offering an impressive IDC range of 206 kilometers and a top speed of 140km/h. In contrast, the high-end F77 Recon boasts a 29kW mid-mounted electric motor, achieving a top speed of 147km/h, and is equipped with a 10.3kWh battery pack, providing a remarkable range of 307 kilometers.
In terms of features, the F77 series sets a high standard, featuring a five-inch TFT screen with smartphone connectivity, a nine-axis IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), vehicle locator, emergency contact alert, adaptive dash lighting, automatic headlight on/off, navigation, fall and crash sensors, side stand sensors, and ride-by-wire technology. Competing in the market, the base F77 model rivals the Orxa Mantis.
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