The Bengaluru-based EV startup, Pravaig Dynamic’s offroading electric car met with an accident at Rajaji Tiger Reserve, Uttrakhand causing 4 casualty of lives which includes two rangers and a woman warden went missing. The main cause of this accident is a tire burst because of rough hilly terrain, overloading 10 personnel (including driver), and overspeed. No other technical failure like Battery/BMS failure or motor failure is reported which is the most commonly cause in EVs accidents. The battery pack is completely safe even after the accident. This off-road car was on trail in different parts of the country. Earlier, it was successfully 30 days trailed at Tadoba National Park, Maharashtra.
This car from Pravaig Dynamic named INTERCEPTOR is All-Wheel Drive and is infinitely customizable according Off-roading conditions and has following specifications:
Driving Range
500+ km
Top Speed
210 km/h
Battery (Li-ion)
90.9 kWh
Motor (Dual PMSM)
150 kW each
Fast Charging
80% in 30 mins
620 Nm
The company in a press statement has said that it is deeply saddened by the accident, which occurred during a demonstration of the vehicle and “working with investigating agencies and distributors” to make more details available.
Statement from the Company
We are deeply saddened to report a tragic incident involving a vehicle that was under demonstration via our distributor for an authorised trial run conducted in Rajaji National Park with the Forest Department of Uttarakhand. We have received reports of the accident and the subsequent casualties leading from a tyre burst and for standing against the safety protocol. The first test drive, approved by the Forest Department of Uttarakhand, happened on Monday morning without any incident. In the second demonstration in the afternoon, forest officials insisted that the driver take 9 personnel (with a total of 10 including the driver) against the seating capacity of 8 (including the driver), according to his statement. With access to extensive data from the testing vehicle, we aim to uncover more details in cooperation with the authorities. No fire or other safety incidents have taken place in the vehicle which was involved in a side impact high-speed crash.
Read More: Pravaig Interceptor Electric SUV for Armed Forces: Specs Revealed
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